Tobacco Cessation Resources

Trillium Community Health Plan (Trillium) is continuing the tobacco cessation work of the Oregon Health Authority’s Smokefree Oregon winter tobacco cessation campaign. This work encourages people who use tobacco to quit and encourages health care providers to talk to your patients about quitting.

Remember, 70% of people who smoke want to quit,1 and a majority want their doctor to talk to them about it. In fact, a doctor’s advice and assistance more than doubles the odds that a person who smokes will quit successfully.2

We have campaign materials available to help you, including:

  • Tips to help you talk with your patients about quitting tobacco
  • A fact sheet for patients
  • Posters for your waiting room and exam rooms

You can make a patient referral to the Oregon Tobacco Quit Line at Link. You can also send your patients to ( Link in Spanish) where they can enroll themselves in online or text-based support, and to 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-855- DEJELO-YA in Spanish) for counseling and prescriptions. If you are interested in exploring a closed loop referral system in your EMR, we can help with that, too.

Trillium is continuing this work because it’s vitally important for our members on the Oregon Health Plan (OHP). 31% of OHP members smoke, compared with 17% of the general population.3 Smoking rates are higher among OHP members in communities of color.4 Tobacco companies market heavily in neighborhoods where people have lower incomes and that have more residents of color to get people to start smoking and to make it harder to quit.5

It’s up to us to help our patients quit tobacco in spite of the challenges. Together we can help our members quit smoking and improve their overall health and well-being. Join us!

We invite you to leverage this increased attention on quitting to encourage your patients to quit.

OHA has developed materials to proactively support your patients, and advance the CCO tobacco cessation incentive metric.

Download the Quit Tobacco Your Way flyer (PDF)

Download the 5A's Tobacco Cessation Counseling Guidesheet (PDF)External Link

Download the Quit Now Poster in English (PDF)

Download the Quit Now Poster in Spanish (PDF)

Trillium encourages providers to visit the OHA Tobacco CessationExternal Link webpage for up-to-date information on upcoming webinars and trainings.

Partnership with Prevention Lane

In addition to SmokeFree Oregon, Trillium has partnered with Prevention Lane, the Lane County Prevention Program, to develop a highly useful list of Tobacco Cessation Resources (PDF), and to recommend the following trainings:

Basic Skills for working with smokersExternal Link: Ongoing, online
A self-paced, online course provides an overview of the theory and practice necessary for practitioners working with tobacco users; prerequisite to Core Certification Training for Tobacco Treatment Specialists.

Core Certification Training for Tobacco Treatment SpecialistsExternal Link: October 22-25, 2019

An intensive four-day program designed to help tobacco treatment providers master the necessary core competencies for providing evidenced-based treatment for nicotine dependency. This course fills partial requirements for the National Certificate in Tobacco Treatment PracticeExternal Link.


1 Smoking & Tobacco Use Fast Facts: Diseases and DeathExternal Link

2 CDC Campaign Encourages Smokers to Talk with Your Doctor for help quittingExternal Link

3 OHA 2018 Tobacco Facts, table 4.6 (PDF)External Link

4 OHA 2018 Tobacco Facts, page 11 (PDFExternal Link)

5 U.S. Department of Health and Human Service Public Health Service Office of the Surgeon General. The health consequences of smoking—50 years of progress: A report of the surgeon general, 2014 (PDF)External Link.