Manuals, Forms and Resources


Claims and Payment

Traditional Health Worker Resources

Spanish Documents:

Member ID Cards



CCO Metrics

The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) uses quality health metrics to show how well Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs) are improving care, making quality care accessible, eliminating health disparities, and curbing the rising cost of health care. Measures fall into one or more categories:

  • CCO Incentive measuresExternal Link, for which CCOs are eligible to receive payments based on their performance each year (CCO Quality Incentive Program pay-for-performance measures); and
  • State Quality measures, which OHA has agreed to report to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as part of Oregon's 1115 Medicaid waiver. 

Learn about CCO metrics and how plans perform on the CCO Metrics pageExternal Link of the OHA website.

OHP Member Referrals

Trillium is dedicated to supporting the provider community by sharing resources to assist members with accessing care.

To assist providers, we offer a list of contracted specialists, sorted by specialty and county. This list does not contain primary care, behavioral health or most ancillary care, as it is focused on provider taxonomy.

The second is a list of contracted providers, sorted by county, and then by type of service, again excluding primary and behavioral care.


Transportation Benefit for OHP Members

Trillium OHP members may qualify for transportation assistance to get to and from medical, dental, and mental health appointments.

In Lane County, RideSource provides this service. Read the Transportation Benefit flyer (PDF) for details.

In the Portland metro area, MTM provides this service. Email the Community Outreach Team at or phone the Contact Center 24/7 at 1-877-583-1552.

Prevention and Well Care

  • Living Well Self-Management ProgramsExternal Link Living Well is a series of Self-Management Programs developed by Stanford University to help you live and cope with a range of chronic conditions. Workshops include Living Well with Chronic Conditions, Living Well with Diabetes, and Living Well with Chronic Pain.
  • Trillium Community Health Plan promotes adherence to the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) periodicity schedule. View the Recommendations for Preventive Pediatric Health Care schedule of screenings (PDF)External Link from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
  • Trillium is pleased to introduce the Choosing Wisely initiative. The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Foundation encourages practitioners and patients to "Choose Wisely." This initiative seeks to advance a national dialogue on avoiding unnecessary medical tests, treatments and procedures. Please visit Choosing Wisely websiteExternal Link to download informational resources for your patients and clinicians to promote shared-decision making.