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Through the sponsorship program, Trillium provides funding to organizations in our service areas that share our commitment to advancing health equity, addressing the social determinants of health, and transforming the health of the communities we serve, one person at a time.

We are currently accepting sponsorship requests for 2025 events and program support. 

Event sponsorships

Types of requests include, but are not limited to, community and fundraising events, conferences, health fairs and forums. To ensure equity to all community partners, please submit only one event sponsorship request per year for your organization. Sponsorship awards typically range from $100-$5,000.

Program support

Types of requests include, but are not limited to, Traditional Health Worker training programs for Community Health Workers, Peer Support Specialists, and Peer Wellness Specialists; Oregon Health Authority interpretation/translation scholarships to supplement conference registration costs; and more. Sponsorship awards typically range from $250-$3,000.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Your organization must serve community members in at least one of these Oregon counties:
    • Clackamas
    • Western Douglas
    • Lane
    • Linn
    • Multnomah
    • Washington
  • Your organization must implement projects and initiatives that promote health or contribute to addressing the social determinants of health.
  • Your sponsorship request must align with one or more of the focus areas in the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHP) for the region or regions you serve. 

Community Health Improvement Focus Areas

Southwest Region

  • Ensure incomes are sufficient to meet basic costs of living (i.e., housing, childcare, food, transportation, etc.)
  • Establish community conditions that support behavioral health and physical well-being
  • Address current and historical injustices that produce disparities 

Tri-County Region

  • Access to care
  • Prevention
  • Social Health Needs

Application Timeline

  • Trillium will accept 2025 sponsorships requests through December 31, 2024.
  • Sponsorship applications are due by 5 p.m. Pacific Time on December 31, 2024.
  • Sponsorship awards will be announced in February 2025. 

Online Application Form

Please complete the 2025 Sponsorship Request Form.

If you have any questions about sponsorship requests, please contact us

Thank you for your partnership!

Geographical Region required *
Event Type
Would you like Trillium to table at your event?
Funding Priority
Main Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) focus