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Flexible Services

Flexible services are items and services that can help improve your health. Flexible services are not benefits covered by the Oregon Health Plan. They are voluntary items and services provided by Trillium.

Examples might be:

  • Access to a warm pool to swim to help with your arthritis and improve your movement
  • A place to stay for a while to heal and get stronger after surgery when you do not have a home to return to
  • A tablet to use to virtually join groups that your counselor or provider has recommended 

Note: Rental assistance is not available through the flexible services program. Trillium offers housing support through Oregon’s Health-Related Social Needs (HRSN) program. To learn more and find out if you qualify, visit Trillium’s HRSN webpage.

How Can I Apply for Flexible Services?

To make a request, fill out and submit this form:

What Are the Criteria?

  • You must be a Trillium member. 
  • The item/service must:
    • Improve your health
    • Give you a better chance to meet health goals through your identified treatment plan
    • Be for you
  • The item/service must be supported by:
    • Best practices used by many doctors, or
    • Information and guidelines from medical, quality or government groups
  • The item/service must help you with at least one of the following:
    • Improve health outcomes, or
    • Keep you from having to go to the hospital again, or
    • Improve your safety, or
    • Increase your wellness and health activities 

It is important to be sure that the item or service will support your health in a positive way and is not part of another benefit available to you. This item or service cannot replace a benefit that you have with another agency or in the community.

What Happens After the Form is Submitted?

Trillium will review the request for eligibility. If the item/service qualifies as a flexible service, it will be processed within 60 days. 

If the request is approved, Trillium staff will order or arrange for the service or item. If it is an item that is ordered, it may take additional time for delivery. 

If the request does not meet requirements and is not approved, you have the right to file a grievance.

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