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Cold Weather Safety

Stay Safe in Cold Weather

We are expecting cold weather in Oregon during the next week.

Warming Centers

To find winter or severe weather shelters in Oregon and SW Washington, people can call 2-1-1 or use the 2-1- 1 online database or mobile app and search for “extreme weather shelters” or “extreme cold warming centers” (for day spaces). 211 Winter and Severe Weather Resources & Warming Centers

    General information

    Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT): Road conditions and closures for the latest highway closure updates

    Oregon Health Authority: OHA Preparing for Winter Storms

    CDC: Winter Weather: Before, During, and After

    Ready. Gov:

    News and updates 

    Regional flash alerts 


    More resources

    • Trillium Members: You can get free help or information in a format that works best for you, including Braille, audio, large print, other languages, and other formats. You can also ask for an interpreter. Please call Trillium Member Services at 877-600-5472 (TTY 711).